Get the most from your stay at Harrah’s Joliet with can’t-miss deals on premium accommodations. Get in on special discounts and exclusive rates to maximize your savings. Experience everything you love about Harrah's Joliet. You'll be thrilled to discover the fun and excitement that this booming Midwestern town has to offer.
Rooms and Suites
Harrah's Joliet Casino & Hotel offers 200 premier rooms, allowing our guests to extend their stay and their fun! Located along the Des Plaines River in picturesque downtown Joliet, Harrah's Joliet offers the most exciting and finest hotel and casino in all of Chicagoland.
Catch up with friends while enjoying a cocktail. Or, relax with a beer and enjoy the game at one of Harrah's bars and lounges.
The food and drink possibilities make dining convenient and delicious at Harrah’s Joliet, from American classics to grab-and-go meals, indulge in whatever you’re craving. Sink your teeth into something special at THE RESERVE where steakhouse burgers and meatloaf stand alongside pasta dishes and traditional steak and seafood entrées. Enjoy traditional family favorites for breakfast, lunch and dinner at CROSS STREET GRILL
Harrah's Joliet is where gamblers belong - offering the very best video poker, table games and poker. This Illinois casino features more than 1,100 slots. Come in and find your new favorite!